1: Fox announces Empire spinoff with Taraji P. Henson in development. Exciting news for Empire fans!

2: Taraji P. Henson to reprise her role as Cookie Lyon in the upcoming Empire spinoff at Fox.

3: Empire spinoff featuring Taraji P. Henson as Cookie Lyon set to explore new storylines. Can't wait!

4: Fox's Empire spinoff with Taraji P. Henson promises to deliver more drama and entertainment. Stay tuned!

5: Taraji P. Henson's return as Cookie Lyon in the Empire spinoff is highly anticipated. Fans rejoice!

6: Empire spinoff starring Taraji P. Henson in the works at Fox. Prepare for more Empire magic!

7: Taraji P. Henson's comeback as Cookie Lyon in the Empire spinoff is sure to captivate audiences. Exciting!

8: Fox's announcement of the Empire spinoff with Taraji P. Henson generates buzz among fans. Ready for more!

9: Empire spinoff starring Taraji P. Henson is bound to be a hit. Fans eagerly await its premiere on Fox.